Why is spirituality such a big part of some people’s lives, while it’s completely dismissed by others? Why do some people wholeheartedly believe that our world is a rotting carcass, while others see it as a haven filled with opportunity, adventure, and joy? Can this dichotomy be explained by our life perceptions, or is there something more at play?
Our universe is an interesting place to say the least. There’s a broad pallet of experiences we can undergo here because we percieve our reality in 4 dimensions, but it would be naieve to say that we can percieve everything in existence.
Needless to say, there’s a whole lot more information in existence that surrounds us every moment. We know some of this information exists, and there’s probably much more we don’t know exists. Simply put, there are deeper layers of reality that we can’t percieve or comprehend.
These deeper layers of reality blend into spirituality, and this information is vaguely understood by the human intellect. They’re an entirely different language of the universe, one that science can’t speak. These deeper layers of reality transcend matter, space, and time, yet they’re as real as you and I.
Some people experience these deeper layers as an inseparable part of consciousness, while others are completely oblivious to them. We may share a universal platform, but we experience very different realities. Some of these realities are rather narrow as they lack an entire dimension of consciousness, while others are extremely expansive.
This is the premise of 5 dimensional reality. Our experience of consciousness can unfurl into deeper layers of reality (the 5th dimension) to experience a broader spectrum of consciousness. So let’s look at these two distinct paradigms and make sense of what 5 dimensional reality is.
What is 5 dimensional reality?
5 dimensional reality can be seen as an intersection point between physical reality (the 4th dimension), and the spiritual realm (the 5th dimension). It occurs when the collective consciousness shifts into a higher paradigm of reality, one where spirituality becomes an inseparable part of it.
The 5th dimension is a higher realm of consciousness, which we can understand as the spiritual realm. There are higher dimensions, however, these higher dimensions aren’t a property of space, but rather a property of consciousness.
Imagine that our reality is the projection and consciousness is the projector. The projector of an ape is rather linear. An ape does not perceive the world to such complexity as we do, nor does it have the capacity to experience to the same depths we can.
The projector of some people is like a low-quality black-and-white screen. The projector of others may be high-definition with synchronized lighting and surround sound.
Oh, how the viewing experience is so different.
Well, our consciousness sorta works the same way. Sure, there’s a big difference between the perception of an ape to a human, but there’s plenty of discrepancy within the human experience too. Some people perceive a narrow existence with a limited range of experience, while others tap into a deeper nature of their consciousness, enabling the perception of more layers of information.
For example, one person might see a square due to the angle they’re looking at the object, and another will see a cube if they view it from another perspective. The same information is there regardless of what angle you view the cube, however, the amount of information the viewer perceives varies dramatically.
One person views the object in 2 dimensions, the other person views it in 3 dimensions. The same idea applies to 5 dimensional reality. How your consciousness views reality facilitates the perception of different qualities of information. It’s the same reality we’re all experiencing, but some people’s consciousness is a little more refined to perceive more layers of it.
The spiritual dimensions are not a property of space, they’re a property of consciousness. The deeper you sink into your consciousness rather than staying at the surface layers of it, the more expansive this reality becomes.
If you live your life confined to your physical body, mental body, and emotional body, suddenly the existence of a spiritual body adds a whole new dimension to your life experience.
See how this works?
The 5th dimension can be seen as the spiritual layer of consciousness that can’t be regularly perceived. To exist purely within the 5th dimension is to not exist in physical reality. As the 5th dimension is energetic, this means souls and spirits can exist in this space, but physical matter is bound to the 4th dimension – our universe.
The 5th dimension is not a physical place you can go, but rather the home of your soul. Energetically we are always tied to these higher dimensions, but our souls have incarnated into this 4-dimensional reality. This means the experience of consciousness here is much more narrow than our unlimited, soul consciousness.
This is why we forget everything when we incarnate here because our minds cannot host this quality and quantity of information. Try running a modern computer program on Windows 98, it can’t handle it, therefore we’re bound by the human hardware.
Difference between 4th, and 5th dimension
Although these planes of existence are separate, energetically they are tied together. All dimensions of reality are within one another, like a complicated, multidimensional onion. These higher dimensions are not physical places to go, rather they’re more expansive experiences of consciousness where a lot more information is present.
Therefore, these higher dimensions are always there, within everything, but the key to accessing these dimensions is via the evolution of consciousness.
When we tap into these deeper layers of consciousness and pop our heads into the spiritual dimensions, while grounded as a human in the 4th dimension, this is what we call 5th-dimensional reality. It’s like the crossroads between these two paradigms, being a contracted consciousness with a narrow perception, and an expansive consciousness with a higher perception.
- The 4th dimension: The carnal, physical reality we exist in as animals.
- The 5th dimension: The energetic and spiritual dimension.
- 5 dimensional reality: A higher state of awareness as a human (experiencing consciousness from the soul rather than the mind)ย
Compared to the 5th dimension, the 4th dimension is a lower realm, meaning more suffering occurs here. Generally speaking, the vibration is lower than the 5th dimension.
Think of the 4th dimension as existing in the matrix. It’s certainly real, but it’s a more superficial layer of reality. When people lack a deeper awareness and operate solely from their patterns and programs, they exist in 4D consciousness.
4D consciousness:
- lacks self-awareness
- Is governed by conditioning, patterns, and programs
- Has a linear view of life
- Is missing the spiritual dimension of experience
Mostly, humanity has existed within a construct of the 4th dimension. This is why survival, war, destruction, greed, poverty, and suffering are commonplace because humanity lacks awareness outside of oneself.
In the 4 dimensional constructs, souls are relatively disconnected from the source, which vicariously creates more ego and individuality. This is why our world is so diverse. We have monarchies and dictatorships, nations, cultures, diverse jobs and lifestyles. Everyone’s just trying to make it work, and nobody knows how to.
What is 5 dimensional consciousness?
5 dimensional consciousness (or soul awareness) is a higher awareness we achieve when we tap into our soul nature. This expanded awareness facilitates self-discovery, self-actualization, and higher perceptions of the spiritual dimensions.
Think of 5 dimensional reality like having escaped the matrix, and have begun accessing the spiritual dimensions. As your consciousness is like an antenna, 4d and 5d are like channels that you can tune into.
Spiritual growth via soul searching and spiritual practice can lead you to 5 dimensional consciousness and a higher awareness of oneself, reality, and beyond. The language of the universe is vibration – which works on both a collective level and an individual level. You can understand vibration as the key to accessing deeper levels of reality than what meets the eye.
You pivot towards 5 dimensional consciousness as you tap into deeper levels of consciousness, embody your soul nature, and raise your vibration. On the other hand, the lower your vibrational state, the further you’re energetically distancing yourself from higher dimensions.
The best way to look at it is that dimensions overlap like you’re stacking sheets of paper. The distance hasn’t changed at all, but we need to tune into vibration to penetrate the other pieces. Vibration is the key to accessing higher dimensions, as they are energetic.
When you’re in a low vibration, spirituality doesn’t exist because the energetic connection to higher planes of existence is numbed. A high vibration expands your consciousness while a low vibration retracts your consciousness.
That’s why people who are well into their spiritual crafts keep their energetic input and output as clean as possible to access higher realms of information that most people aren’t receptive to.
For example, spiritually advanced people such as psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, monks, yogis, gurus, and shamans might have access to a pretty incredible quality of information because they’re tapping into 5 dimensional reality via their spiritual pursuits.
However, if the same person were to lower their vibration and move more into the 4th dimension, they would lose access to this information because energetically they are separated from it. In these disconnected states, they’re crazy, or psychotic, or making things up because, in this lower paradigm, spirituality doesn’t exist.
To someone in a low vibration who looks at a psychic, they’re probably going to assume they’re delusional. But if that same person raises their vibration and it opens up to 5 dimensional consciousness, they will understand completely because they’re connected to the same frequency.
4 dimensional consciousness (trapped in the matrix)
A low vibration is associated with a dense reality. This means that a low vibration is associated with suffering and negativity. It’s a disconnection from the soul, meaning the realm becomes much more carnal.
On a collective scale, a low vibration creates a dystopian society, which leans towards a hell world. Below are some things that are associated with a low vibration.
- Retraction of consciousness
- Closemindedness
- Negativity
- Suffering
- Sickness
- Pain
- Struggle
- Poverty
- corruption
- Scarcity
- Limiting belief systems
- Harmful thoughts and mentalities
- Destructive behavior
- Selfishness
- Greed
- Unconscious habits
- Toxic attitudes
- Mental illness
- Survival
- Ego
5 dimensional consciousness (escaping the matrix)
A high vibration is associated with a light reality. This means that a high vibration is associated with love and joy. It is to deepen the connection with the soul, which as a result, spiritual constructs become much more prominent.
On a collective scale, a high vibration creates a utopian society, which leans towards a heaven world. Below are some things that are associated with a high vibration.
- Expansion of consciousness
- Open-mindedness
- Positivity
- Personal growth
- Wellness
- Thriving
- Love
- Happiness
- Joy
- Gratitude
- Community
- Abundance
- Virtuous behavior
- Service
- Mindfulness
- Spirituality
- ย
How your vibration influences your reality
All energy has a frequency to it, ranging from high to low. The higher the vibration, the more expansive the experience of consciousness becomes. The lower the vibration, the more retracted the experience of consciousness becomes.
Beyond the layers of flesh, blood, and bone, everything is energetic. Bottom line – all reality (and other realities) is made up of energy. Therefore, everything that we experience resonates at different energetic frequencies. Your emotions, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, what you consume, the connections you make, and everything has a different quality of energy, or frequency.
For example, resentment is a low-vibrational energy. It’s dense, painful, and for lack of a better word, primitive. This doesn’t mean that resentment is bad to experience or that you should strive to avoid it, but the energy is of a lower frequency than something like gratitude.
If you have negative thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes that cause suffering of any kind, they will lower your vibration. As a result, your reality starts to become more dense as you become more disconnected from the source, and reality becomes more carnal; a miserably land of survival desperately in need of awareness.
This is the 3D paradigm.
The magic you’re experiencing when life is beautiful gets flipped on its head and suddenly life goes back to hard mode. Why? Because your vibration has changed, your consciousness has retracted, and you changed the channel from a higher paradigm to a lower paradigm. When your frequency changes, so does your reality.
The link between vibration and collective consciounsess
All consciousness is energetically connected, as we are all segments of the same consciousness experiencing oneself. Therefore, no event is isolated.
Your healing also helps heal the collective consciousness. Other people’s trauma affects your consciousness. We’re all energetically connected in a big web and reality is the manifestation of this collective consciousness.
The growing polarization in society is because a lot of people are raising their vibration and connecting with five-dimensional reality, while others are trapped in the third dimension, and aren’t aware that there’s a whole other dimension beneath our feet.
The more people wake up and tune into 5 dimensional reality, the more the entire collective also moves towards this higher paradigm where life becomes a spiritual playground rather than a carnal hellscape made by humans, to exploit humans.
So through everyone’s process, we influence the collective. If there’s enough negative energy in the collective, we’re going to see more shifts into the third dimension, more suffering, more disconnection.
5th dimensional reality and spirituality: What's the connection?
When we move into high-vibrational states of consciousness, spirituality becomes undeniably real. This is because the vale starts thinning, and 5 dimensional reality comes out to play.
People who are in low-vibrational states of consciousness will not perceive the spiritual dimension because they’re disconnected from it. It’s not that they’re wrong, because, in that particular paradigm or lens of reality spirituality doesn’t exist.
You might notice this phenomenon in yourself when you shift between these constructs. Sometimes life will launch you back into a low-vibrational state, and you’ll need to do the shadow work to reconnect with the source.
While in that state, you might start doubting yourself or feel like you’re regressing into old belief systems and perceptions.ย You’re not going crazy, and everything you experienced was real, but while in this lower frame of consciousness, it’s not.
Your consciousness shifts into the 4th dimension of learning. It shifts into the 5th dimension to serve. Along your journey of spiritual growth, there will be times that you go back into the 4th dimension and have to experience the struggle and learn what you need to learn particular lessons. But trust that once you’ve learned those lessons, you’ll shift back toward the 5th dimension.
Life is truly a bizarre thing, and the deeper we move into our consciousness, the more bizarre reality becomes. With that said, it’s also incredibly beautiful. As we shift into these higher paradigms of ourselves and the collective, our world will become a much more beautiful place to be.
As we step deeper into the spiritual for healing, growth, and learning, our reality becomes a fundamentally different place, in which a whole new quality of information can be perceived and experienced. So enjoy the ride of life, and continue to step deeper into the spiritual, and into higher realms of consciousness.