Astral Projection Entities: What’s Really Out There?

Here's everything you need to know about encountering dark spirits during astral projection

I’ve had a fascination with astral projection for years, and the occasions where I fully disconnected from my body were nothing short of profound. However, there’s also a dark underbelly of such experiences, and we can encounter all sorts of entities within these spaces.

While venturing into higher different realms of consciousness, it’s not unusual to encounter entities. These entities come in many forms, each with unique energies, personalities, and intentions. Astral projection is a fascinating experience, but there are things out there that we want to steer clear of.

With that said, sometimes we can’t.

Thankfully, we’re relatively sheltered from entities with nefarious agendas while on this Earthly plane. This is a different story when we step into their territory, and it’s something that needs to be cautioned.

In this article, I’m going to talk about astral projection entities and my experience encountering a demonic spirit when tapping into the astral. You’ll learn what astral projection entities are, what happens when we encounter them, and what we can do about it.

What are astral projection entities?

What we see in the physical is just one layer of the consciousness cake. In different realms of consciousness (or what we can understand as dimensions), there are all sorts of beings. These beings are also souls like you and me, however, they exist within an energetic container rather than a physical container (or body).

Imagine this reality as one face of a cube.

In truth, reality has many faces, and each face is a stage for foreign experiences of consciousness. In my perspective, this is the best way to conceptualize alternate dimensions, and astral projection is the act of tapping into them.

During astral projection, you’re not necessarily going anywhere. Rather you’re rotating the cube to experience another layer of reality. As with our reality, these spaces are also teeming with life, it’s a very diverse world out there.

Makes sense?

Astral projection entities refer to the spirits we can perceive during astral projection. You can view these beings as souls that exist in higher realms, and we can encounter them when we tap into these realms.

With that said, these beings don’t have physical bodies because the realms these souls are inhabiting at non-physical. Many of these entities have forms, often appearing as orbs, and others are just energies that you feel. These realms act on the language of intuition, so trying to rationalize these beings is like speaking a language that doesn’t exist.

Astral projection is a tedious process. I’ve attempted many times to no avail. On the odd occasion, however, I entered a bizarre but beautiful realm teeming with life. I’ve encountered all sorts of entities during astral projection. Some of these entities are positive beings of light, some are neutral, and some are dark.

Usually, my experiences with entities during astral projection are positive. I often encounter spirits of light who want to help, and it’s exciting to come into contact with them. Often, these spirits show me spiritual truths and teach me things, and there’s a powerful intuitive feeling that they are there to help.

I’ve also come into contact with many neutral spirits – those I couldn’t get a read on, and didn’t know what they wanted or how they intuitively felt, but they were certainly there.

It has become apparent to me, that each spirit is an individual. Each spirit has its personality, identity, and desires. They all want different things. We can’t just generalize people and say we’re all the same, and we can’t do it with spirits either.

My experience with an astral projection demon

Astral projection entity

Several months ago, this excitement for encountering spirits fell short when I was forcibly catapulted from my body into the grasp of a demonic presence.

I was lying in bed feeling restless and thinking about some impending decisions in my life. Astral projection was the last thing on my mind, I had no desire or intent to leave my body, yet something odd happened.

Out of the blue, I heard my dad’s voice call out my name. His words were crystal clear like he was in the room, and this was enough to instantly snap me to full awareness.

“What on Earth was that?'”

I sat up in bed with my ears perked. My dad is on the other side of the world, yet I heard his disembodied voice as clear as day.

Within moments, a deafening ringing pierced my ears. Before I had a chance to react, my body began rapidly vibrating as my vision brightened and stretched out – revealing patterns, and what I can only describe as energy.

Even though this sensation felt familiar, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Due to the intensity of the experience, I knew it was the real deal – there was no doubt in my mind that this was just a dream, hallucination, or sleep paralysis.

I’ve been here before’ย I thought with mixed emotions of nerves and excitement.

My grip on reality was rapidly deteriorating as I felt myself being sucked out of my body by some unidentifiable force. I didn’t know what was happening, but when a spiritual experience comes knocking at my door, I seize the opportunity to explore it. I let go and allowed myself to enter this foreign territory.

‘something doesn’t feel right’ I thought.

Still in shock by the speed and spontaneity of this experience, I began to notice a quality of energy in this space that was anything but inviting. This dense energy instantly put me on edge – as if I was in physical danger.

‘Okay, this isn’t good’ย I thought as this dark presence became more prominent.

I immediately thought there could be a dark spirit here. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve encountered one. Theoretically, I know what to do if that were to be the case, but it doesn’t ease the nerves.

‘Just hold the space and be in a place of love, and all will be right’.

I envisioned myself in a safe aura of golden light, however, the darkness became more intense. Naturally, I began to worry. My efforts to spread light weren’t working, and I was seemingly trapped in this space. All I wanted to do was snap out of this eerie space I found myself in.

This is when I started hearing a deep demonic-sounding voice whispering to me.ย Although I couldn’t make out the words, it sounded like they were right next to me.ย Never have I heard disembodied voices so clearly.

I was vulnerable and I didn’t have the experience to deal with something like this, which only made me more afraid. It felt like my body was collapsing under its weight, and my Manipura (solar plexus energy center) had a dense, almost painful sensation to it.

This wouldn’t be the first time a dark entity focused its intent on my Manipura. This is a common theme with dark spirits, perhaps because my center of power is my weakest energetic point, and it still has some substantial wounding from childhood.

Re-embodiment after my astral projection encounter

I reached behind my back to grab onto the bed while trying to free myself from this disembodied state, hopefully grounding myself to reality.

To my surprise, my arm brushed through the air with nothing to obstruct it. As I was reaching behind my back in a state of complete bewilderment I spouted “Oh my god I’m levitating!”

Keep in mind, I didn’t know I was astral projecting at this stage. During this moment I still thought I was in my physical body. I didn’t realize that I was in my astral body until later on after the experience ended.

This is when I snapped myself out of this state and landed on the floor next to me. All I wanted to do was turn on the light so I could at least see what was happening.

I began brushing my hands against the wall near the door looking for the light switch in pitch darkness – while the whispers from this entity continued. In my desperate attempt, I couldn’t find the switch, so I opened the door and attempted to find the light switch in the hallway in a desperate scramble to orient myself.

As I peered down the short hallway outside my bedroom, I noticed a dark silhouette in a cloak sitting in the living room. I stood there paralyzed.

I gasped for air and opened my eyes in bed. I was emotionally dysregulated as the ringing in my ears continued. I was disoriented and felt incredibly out of place, still wary if this entity was around.

Without hesitation, I reached for my phone light. The exact moment I turned on the screen, a message came through from a Huachumera (Huachuma Shaman) I worked with when I was living in Ecuador.

“Hi Daniel, your dad is here, it was great meeting him, he is very proud of you” – the Huachumera said, referring to her shamanic healing center in Ecuador.

I would have been more stumped by this synchronicity if this ringing had subsided, but I couldn’t focus. It was just so damn loud.

I turned on the bedside lamp, put my phone down, and spent some time recollecting myself. It took about ten minutes for the ringing to subside, and I then sat in silence for another ten minutes thinking about what happened. I was now wide awake, and it was only around 1 am.

Shortly after, I messaged back telling the Huachumera what had happened. If there is anyone who knows about this stuff, it’s her.

These were her actual words:

“Your dad was probably helping you saying a kind of ‘look out!’ The dark spirit means you’re graduating to the next level of your astral projection game! It’s good! You’re ready to play in the big leagues now! Congrats. So get used to this, these spirits you’re going to be inviting back to source someday soon, it will be your otherworldly work.

It all clicked.

I was astral projecting!

That’s why the experience was so familiar. I’ve experienced the same gateway phenomenon every time I fully disembodied. Although this experience was involuntary and much quicker, it was the same phenomenon.

What are dark spirits during astral projection?

Astral projection entity: dark spirit

The next day I spoke with a Huachumera (San Pedro shaman) I know about my encounter.

She told me that people who are learning to astral project will eventually encounter dark spirits. Like we encounter benevolent spirits who want to help us, it’s just a matter of time until we run into the darker underbelly of the spiritual dimensions. The spiritual realm is a fascinating place teeming with all sorts of life.

There are many beautiful loving, angelic spirits out there, but as with duality – if there is light, there is also darkness.

Darkness exists in the void of light. When any being loses touch with the light – of energies of love, gratitude, compassion, and kindness, they enter states of consciousness that are tormenting and destructive.

Astral projection is not demonic, and it’s not bad. It’s a tool that can be used to access the astral planes which are another layer of consciousness. We can use astral projection as a tool for darkness the same we can use it as a tool for light, depending on our intention of tapping into these spaces.

I perceive dark spirits as wounded souls who have lost their connection to source – in the same sense ‘bad’ people are wounded people because their attitudes and actions are a manifestation of their internal reality.

Even though some people do terrible things, can we blame them? Does evil really exist, or do individuals just stray too far from god?

When you begin entering other realms of consciousness, whether it’s via astral projection, shamanic ceremonies, or energy healing, you’re popping your head into their world, so these spirits become aware of you.

Although I’m still not sure why I was spontaneously pulled out of my body, it reinforces the fact that there are dark spirits out there, and sometimes we might land in their crosshairs.

What to do when encountering a dark spirit

Angel sending a demon back to source

Even though this was the most intense encounter I’ve had, it was not my first encounter with dark spirits. I’ve bumped into a few via ceremonies, meditation, and within my day-to-day life. I’ve witnessed a few exorcisms and learned some valuable wisdom from the shamans performing them.

High vibrational energy is a repellant to dark energies.

If you can experience energies such as love, gratitude, or compassion in the presence of a dark spirit, they want nothing to do with it. This is another reason they try to scare you: fear will quickly dissolve the high vibrational energies you’re experiencing.

The challenge is to hold a space of love.

You might think it seems simple – the fear is all in your mind so just maintain a space of love and you’ll be right. But it’s not all in your mind. These experiences are very real, and when you’re in the presence of a dark spirit you feel a visceral danger.

Imagine you’re in an old house by yourself, and suddenly furniture begins moving, you see shadows, hear noises, and perceive something in that house that wants to harm you. Would you be able to hold a space of love?

Probably not, at least not without being very centered in yourself and indifferent to whatever you’re experiencing.

Unless you’re very advanced with this sort of work, you’re probably going to panic. Especially when the nature of the being is otherworldly, you don’t know what you’re dealing with. It’s unknown which makes the encounter even more eerie.

With that said, try your best to hold love for the being. This light energy will ward off the dark spirit, or better yet, convert it. If you can project this light energy toward the spirit by genuinely wanting to help it, then you may even get through to it, and illuminate a better path for the spirit to take.

What do dark spirits want?

ย Dark spirits feed off dense energy. They intend to lower your vibration by provoking feelings of fear, anger, shame, guilt, and resentment.

Imagine they’re sucking out your dense energy through a straw. If you’re not experiencing much dense energy, they will squeeze as much of this sweet nectar out of you as they can.

Dark spirits are very good at identifying your wounds, and leveraging them. If they sense you’re in a conflict with someone, they may play on your guilt, shame, or hatred, and stir the pot. If they see you lack self-love, they will do everything in their power to kick you while you’re down.

This is why deeply wounded people are often beacons to dark spirits. These spirits see a buffet and often attach themselves to these vulnerable victims – often resulting in mental illness, suicide, perversion, psychopathic behavior, or in extreme cases, killings.

And they do this by attempting to scare you. Maybe they will play on your guilt, or press your buttons to make you feel angry. The more pain they can cause you to feel, the more they benefit from you.

In my experience, dark spirits try to scare you. Fear is a particularly juicy energy for them, and it doesn’t take a lot to make people experience it.

Envisioning yourself with radiant golden light can act as a protective barrier between you and the entity.ย  Although envisioning yourself being surrounded by this golden light, this can be difficult to do when you’re under the spell of fear.

Affirm your stance

Remember, despite how frightening the encounter is, you are in power. If you stand in your power and firmly tell the spirit it’s not welcome, it won’t be able to get to you.

This needs to be done with confidence (not anger, because that will attract it). Again, spirits feed on low-vibrational energy. Therefore, if you’re standing in your power and not falling into their games, there’s not a whole lot they can do.

Some people will call on the name of Jesus, or god. Although I’m not sure if words really make a difference as it’s more about the energy you’re experiencing, some people claim that telling the spirit to leave in the name of Jesus works.

I believe it’s more the confidence and faith that someone experiences by using the name of a benevolent figure they hold closely in their heart. In this sense, I imagine falling back on any icon you hold in your heart may work, it doesn’t need to be Jesus if you don’t genuinely love Jesus.

Send them back to the source

We have the power to send these spirits back to source, but the spirit must be willing – meaning you must get through to it.

I haven’t sent any spirits back to source myself as I’m relatively inexperienced, but from what I’ve heard, you may be able to reach through the darkness and tap into the soul of the entity.

This can take practice because first, you need to practice holding your light in the face of darkness. But if you can do so, you can help these spirits – at least the ones that want to go home.

Ask the entity what has hurt them. Ask them if they’re ready to start a new experience, and make sure you do it from a place of genuine compassion and love.

From my understanding, if you can reach the soul within the darkness, and they agree to be helped, other spirits such as angels will appear in space and bring them back to the source to be transmuted into raw energy.

Essentially, when a dark spirit wants to be helped, that’s the end of its lifecycle, where it can be transmuted into something else.


Wendy Anne McCourt 26 April 2024 - 11:42 am

Having experienced this myself, I find your observations and conclusions essential to those who astral travel and eventually may encounter this. Thank you for putting out there these truths and how you experienced them. In addition to your story I have also been under spiritual attack by other incarnated psychics, we are just people after all. And in my area it seems that there are not many healers out there who are familiar with Techniques to deal with either topic.
Lately, I have come across a few psychic healers and mediums(lightworkers) who seem to fully avoid the Dark Entities, Negative Energies, and even being close to another in the DEATH transition entirely and showing little to no knowledge or experience of this themselves. As practitioners and role models they have little to offer on these topics.
Recently, in a reading with one light worker I was verbally sharing the incredibly beautiful story of my experiences being with my brother in spirit as he accepted his bodies physical death, cremation, and as he transitioned to the other side with me guiding and supporting him. ALL was unconditional love
and acceptance, it was like we had done this before, each of us with the other, and so it was superconsciously familiar.
She actually kept saying โ€œNO DEATHโ€ or around death, and again she said My guides are saying NO.
I could only respond with โ€œ well, it felt right and good and natural to meโ€.
When I mentioned that after his cremation I took him on an astral tour of the other side, and finished off with a fly- by (as in the Top Gun movie) of some areas that were supposedly off limits and some of the spirits below shouting as we whipped past โ€œHey Youโ€™re not supposed to be hereโ€
I do have a playful side. I knew this was ok for me to do, no repercussions over there. OMG she was practically spitting with โ€œYeah, You shouldnโ€™t do thatโ€.
The Next day, of course, at an appointment, my Counselor told me about Anam Aire practitioners and recommended several podcasts by them.
I said ahhh that is what and why.
I sent a note about this to the lightworker from the night before and told her about ANAM AIRE.
Unfortunately, her response had no mention or acknowledgement of this part of my email.
Lightness cannot exist without Darkness. To avoid understanding the dark, except superficially, feels like a mistake to me.
I deeply appreciate your broaching this subject and sharing your experience. There are many things you can do when you are under attack by a dark entity. Many times an intentional go away yell can be enough. At other times something else or something more is needed.
Knowing that this can happen is important.
Calmly, learning about this subject and the tools you can use helps if you do encounter this.
A Large and Important caveat from me.
It generally and actually is not that common.
However, There are also many Spiritual Workers out there who play on your fears, and fear attracts darkness. Hence, there is more darkness drawn in.
A fear cycle ensues and you can become entangled and dependent on the creator of the fear.
Be careful to choose help that has a clear positive mission to โ€œthe best for all.โ€


Daniel Hannah
Daniel Hannah 26 April 2024 - 5:23 pm

Hi Wendy, thanks for your input and advice. Great that you too are exploring these realms of consciousness, and sounds like you have a lot to teach from them. I agree, darkness is as weaved into reality as light, and I don’t think avoidance is the way to go, as anyone on these spiritual pursuits will encounter it sooner or later. Therefore it’s better to learn how to navigate darkness, and hopefully learn how to transmute it or help it.

It’s not my first time ecountering dark entities, I’ve encountered quite a few ‘shadows’, but this encounter was unique because it was incredible intense, and very dark, whatever the energy was. Certainly caught me off guard. It’s all a learning curve though.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.

Jose Gonzalez 7 January 2025 - 7:12 pm

On my first attempt I went to far in the sense where I made it into the void it felt wrong I felt uneasy and the scariest part was that the darkness felt so tangible that I was expecting it to reach out and touch me I immediately came back to my body as if a gust of wind starting at the top of my head down to my feet


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