We all want to attract abundance into our lives, but sometimes it feels like an uphill battle… during a hurricane, in your underwear.
After all, abundance is the shiny ticket to the good life, right? That’s why people construct empires to have everything they desire and more. But wait… Do you view abundance as an external condition? Do you solely associate it with wealth and finances?
Let me ask you a question.
Are you abundant if you have all the money in the world but are also miserable and lonely? On the same train, if you could have any partner you desire, but were unable to create a meaningful and loving connection with any of them, are you still abundant?
There are two sides to this equation. It’s nice to have your material needs met, but they mean nothing unless they’re backed up with genuine fulfillment. This is something so many of us overlook when we try to attract abundance into our lives, and there’s a metaphysical component to abundance too.
There are more dimensions to abundance than solely the material, and if you only think about the material aspect of abundance then you’re on the wrong path. If you want to attract abundance into your life, you need to also meet it at an emotional and energetic level.
In truth, abundance is a state of consciousness where you feel like you’re thriving. You don’t need things to feel amazing, so perhaps we’re thinking about abundance inside out. So let’s explore what it means to attract more abundance into your life, and how you can do it.
What does it mean to attract abundance?

Abundance refers to the fruitfulness of your life situation, whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Look at abundance as a state of consciousness that magnetizes positive things into your life, providing a sense of ampleness. It’s an expansive, high-vibrational energy where you feel like your cup is overflowing.
Imagine abundance as a spectrum. On one side of this spectrum is scarcity. We tend to associate scarcity with not meeting our material needs, which too is a part of it.
However, people can be emotionally scarce because they are poor in feelings of gratitude, love, and joy. People can be mentally scarce by harboring detrimental mindsets such as the poverty mindset, or the victim mentality. Likewise, people can also be spiritually scarce by lacking meaning, service, and deeper fulfillment. Without meaning, abundance can seem a little empty.
On the other side of this spectrum is abundance. Like scarcity, there are different dimensions of abundance. This is why it’s important not to view abundance simply as a material condition but as a collection of experiences that affect every level of your consciousness.
It’s a shallow view to perceive abundance as financial success. There is so much missing from the equation here. Think of abundance as a magnet. It’s a high energetic vibration that manifests situations corresponding with this energy. If you embody a high vibrational state of consciousness, you’ll attract more abundance into your life in all forms.
Think of it this way.
If you have a full cup, you will attract more good things into your life. After all, reality is a mirror. It attracts more of what you’re experiencing which is the foundation of the law of attraction.
If you’re genuinely resonating at a high vibration, you will tap into the energy of abundance. Since you feel the energy of abundance, it will manifest conditions that that abundant.
The connection between abundance and healing

Healing is the road to experiencing more high vibrational states. Imagine that trauma, open wounds, and pain are like thick blankets that weigh you down. Someone who is wounded is unable to experience these very high vibrational states until they remove these blankets.
You have to mop out the dense energy that’s rotting you inside out before your vibration steadies into high vibrational states. Once you’ve cleaned out all your trauma and the core is healthy, the outside reality is going to reflect this internal condition.
Notice that life keeps hitting you when you’re stuck in a negative spiral? Negative coincidence after coincidence will occur and it just won’t give you a break. Have you ever felt like this? Well, it’s quite a universal experience, because it’s real. There’s a reason why the universe kicks you while you’re down.
When you’re in low vibrational states of consciousness, you become a magnet for low vibrational experiences. Manifestation isn’t a one-way street, it’s a double-edged sword. When you’re suffering, you tend to attract more suffering. Metaphysically speaking, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. May not seem fair, but it’s how consciousness works.
On the other hand, perhaps something big happens in your life. You get a great new job opportunity, you have a nourishing experience, or maybe you fall in love. You feel great, then notice more good things coming into your life.
Is it just because you’re just noticing the good things, or because you’re attracting them? It’s both.
You are noticing all the wholeness that life provides because you feel abundant, and because you step into that frame of abundance, more good things start happening as your external condition matches your internal condition.
This is why healing is an important component of raising your vibration and attuning to the energy of abundance. Healing yourself is the first step toward abundance, because being healed allows you to reach a high-vibrational state, which the rest snowballs from.
How to attract abundance from the universe

Attracting abundance starts by making adjustments on all levels of your consciousness, and calibrating all of these levels to abundance:
- Your physical body (material condition)
- Your mental body (thoughts and mindsets)
- Your emotional body (Feelings)
- Your spiritual body (meaning and purpose)
If you’re lacking in one area, it’s going to let down the team. To truly be abundant, you need to think abundantly, feel abundant, and radiate abundance. Remember, many people have a lot of wealth, but they’re not truly abundant because they’re not happy.
Don’t fall into this trap. You want the whole package. Let’s look at some shifts you need to make before you can attract abundance into your life.
1. Hold a vision of abundance
You need to hold a vision of abundance to attract it into your life. Your vision of abundance is like your anchor. It’s what gives you direction. How do you picture your life if you are truly abundant? What do you feel? What do you think? What does your material condition look like?
You need to have a vision of something that fulfills you. Think about it. What’s more important than stuff? What feelings would make you feel like you’re winning life? This is what you should be aiming towards. Feelings. Attitudes. Vibrations. If your biggest goals revolve around financial gain, then you’re missing crucial dimensions of abundance.
2. Realize that you are abundance
Don’t look at abundance as something separate from you. You are always surrounded by abundance. You need to realize that there is no separation to experience it more fully. A major shift will occur when you embody the notion that life is infinite.
How many cells are you made from, and that are constantly being produced? How many stars is your planet surrounded by? How many plants and animals can you see on any given day? How much variety of food, entertainment, and emotional states do you have access to? View abundance as a property of the universe rather than something you need to attain, and you’ll begin stepping into it.
3. Believe that you can attract abundance
Your beliefs are forms of energy. Therefore, if you don’t believe that you can attract abundance into your life, you’re likely to push it away. This is something I struggled with for a long time, believing I would never be successful which created a barrier to success.
Part of attracting abundance is believing that you can attract abundance. You must hold beliefs and attitudes that are high vibrational and resonate at a level of abundance. However, these beliefs must be genuine. Therefore, if you have negative beliefs about money or achieving your dreams, you need to work on shifting them.
4. Allow yourself to receive
A component of tapping into abundance is to allow yourself to receive it. Whether you receive what the universe hands you or not is an important signal because abundance comes in all forms. To attract abundance into your life, you need to learn to receive it. The more you allow into your life, the more it will start flowing in, in all its myriad forms.
Maybe an opportunity arises that you instinctively shoot down. Perhaps someone enters your life who can help you, and you unconsciously push them away. If you regularly push away things that are coming into your life, whether they’re opportunities, education, gifts, or assistance, then you’re essentially pushing away abundance. Show the universe that you are open and willing, and encourage the energy of abundance to seep into your reality.
5. Appreciate everything you have
As long as you constantly chase your tail for the next best thing, you aren’t appreciating what you have. If you aren’t appreciating what you have, you’re in a frame of scarcity. You have everything you need to be happy, you just don’t realize it because you’re caught in this frame of need.
Do you have a full stomach? Do you have shelter? Are you warm? There are many people without these naked essentials who are still content with their lives! So what’s the problem here? The problem is that you’re not appreciating what you have because you take it for granted.
Therefore, learn to appreciate all the things that you do take for granted. The vibration of gratitude is powerful, and this vibration will help you attract more abundance into your life.
6. Put it all into perspective
When you feel that you are lacking, sometimes it helps to put it into perspective. Despite what struggles you’re facing, I can guarantee you that some people would die to trade positions with you.ย It’s easy to get caught in self-loathing and the drama of everyday life. But compared to what many people in the world are experiencing, I would say you have it pretty damn lucky. Recognize that you have it pretty cushy, and be humble. Sometimes you just need to step back and acknowledge how good you have it.
7. Talk your life up, not down
Sometimes, you’ll get knocked down, but don’t let yourself get caught in the self-perpetuating negative spirals. It’s important to recognize when you’re going into a negative spiral so you can correct it and realign yourself.
Therefore, every time you feel down, discouraged, or defeated, give yourself time to process it. Release the painful energies and realign yourself with your higher self. Catch those painful spirals before you get caught in them, and turn that ship around.
8. Be happy for other people's success
People who feel abundant want others to win too. That’s because the idea that there is not enough pie to go around – leading to ruthless competition, stems from the poverty mindset. You won’t feel whole if you believe there has to be a loser.
Jealousy is a block to abundance because you’re separating yourself from abundance. But is there a way you can feel happy for that person?ย It may take some work to heal the root cause, but when you genuinely feel good for other people’s success, you’re creating the right conditions to attract abundance.
9. Let your good feelings spill over
Gratitude is a big part of abundance. You simply can’t feel abundant if you don’t feel grateful. Now that you’re cultivating better feelings, actions, and attitudes in your life by experiencing more gratitude and appreciation, let your cup overflow. Genuinely wanting to help others and do good in their lives signals the universe that you’re in a position to give.
Of course, the act of giving comes from a frame of abundance, as it signals that you have plenty to share. Therefore, give as much as you can in the form of love, help, and assistance. Try to bring as much healing and joy into other people’s lives as you can. Don’t worry, you won’t deplete yourself, rather it will have the opposite effect.
10. Detach from the result
Attachment to the result is a double-edged sword. In one way, you want some attachment because it motivates you. On the other hand, too much attachment creates need. Need isn’t a pleasant feeling because it comes from a state of lack. Being overattached to the outcome causes desperation which is a polar opposite energy to abundance.
Hold your goals close and aim to achieve them. Feel good about them and be excited to move towards them, but don’t get the idea in your head that it becomes more important than everything else. Sitting around and just trying to manifest everything isn’t going to work either. You need to put in the work. You need to take action to build your life into something that you’re proud of.
Attract abundance into your life

In this article, we’ve explored the metaphysics behind abundance, and what abundance is – an energy. Now you know that instead of chasing your tail and looking to acquire material abundance without any substance, you can search for abundance in a more fulfilling way.
As your external reality matches your internal reality, it’s always best to start inside out and focus on feeling abundance before seeing abundance. With this approach, you can continue working on yourself, healing, and raising your vibration until you reach a point where abundance flows into your life, in every dimension.
With that said, all the best along your journey of attracting abundance, and keep your eyes on the prize!