What do you think of when you hear the term social status? Some rich dude with three half-naked models on a five-million-dollar yacht? Some famous influencer, actor, or entrepreneur who’s adored by half the world?
Here’s the thing, you wouldn’t know who these people were if you had met them in person. They would just be ordinary people, like you, so what’s the difference?
It’s the image. People who have high social status hold themselves better. They feel like they’re on top of the world and radiate an energy that draws people in. But you don’t need to be famous or drive a Lamborghini to have that same energy.
What you need to understand is that social status is a construct. It’s not real. Anyone can be perceived to have high social status. Anyone can be perceived to have a low social status. What matters are the cards you play, the standards you hold yourself to, and how people perceive you.
With that said, in this article, we’re going to dig into the phenomena of social status. You’re going to learn what it is, how it influences your life, and how you can become someone with high social status by tweaking a few things in your life.
What is social status?

Human nature tends to create order.
Through a system of order, we create hierarchies that are evident in everything we do. We construct corporate hierarchies and government hierarchies, likewise, society is broken into different classes. We have them in school, university, between peers, and in social circles.
Social status refers to the position you sit at within these hierarchies, or at least your perceived position on this hierarchy.
- Being down the bottom = low perceived importance = low social status
- Being up the top = high perceived importance = high social status
From spiritual leaders to presidents, to celebrities: the people sitting on top hold more authority, influence, and power. Not all of these systems are pre-established however, so you don’t have to be some famous guru to have a lot of social status.
Everyone has a price tag in the eyes of society.
Every time you meet an unfamiliar face, you unconsciously gauge their position and determine their social value. The perceived level of value that a person offers translates into social status.
We tend to perceive importance on a few tangible metrics:
- Level of wealth: Someone who is rich has more social status than someone poor
- Breadth of influence: A celebrity has more social status than a social ghost
- Role in community: Someone who contributes more value to their community has more social status than someone who doesn’t
These metrics are interconnected. Someone who has a more significant role in their community is generally compensated better for it and has more influence because of it. But social status is more intricate than a few measly metrics. You don’t need to be rich and famous to have significant social status, because social status is a perception.
Social status can assumed through a series of characteristics that together create the image of an important person. Essentially, you want to reverse engineer the process.
Particular traits such as charisma, confidence, and competence correspond with a high social status as they reflect well on the individual, while characteristics such as shyness and awkwardness correspond with a low social status.
When someone has low social status, others don’t see them as an important person. These people are typically discarded, walked over, and disrespected. They hold little influence, and most people don’t acknowledge them. Sadly, people with low social status are the peasants of modern society.
A person who seems to have everything including a great lifestyle, a good job, great social competence, and a booming romantic life will be seen as someone with more status. They have more to offer others, compared to someone with nothing to show. Therefore, other people look up to these people and think ‘Wow, I wish I had their life’.
This value might be abundance. As history states, the powerful hoard all the resources. This translates a little differently in modern times, but this dynamic is still there.
Value may come in the form of humor, generosity, and friendliness, to the quality of conversation and how fulfilling they are. If you’re funny and enjoyable to spend time around, this is going to give you more status because people are attracted to that trait.
How does your social status affect your life?

The position you hold within a community has a considerable influence on both personal and professional aspects of your life. Social status can have far-reaching effects that contribute to your overall well-being and success.
Here are some ways in which a high social status will benefit your life:
- Opens doors for opportunities: Social status often determines access to opportunities such as education, career advancement, and networking. People with higher social status may have better job prospects and career development opportunities, as they’re seen as valuable people.
- Professional advancement: Social status can affect the amount of recognition you get within your area of expertise. People with higher social status might find it easier to gain recognition, secure leadership roles, and access exclusive career-building opportunities. On the other hand, people with lower social status might encounter barriers and likely need to work a lot harder to get to the same point.
- Improved networking: Social status often determines the circles an individual can enter, and the people they can connect with. People with higher social status might have access to influential networks. Building connections becomes more accessible and allows them to create relationships that can open new doors.
- Expanded influence: Social status makes people influential, as people are more likely to listen to them. This allows them to have a broader effect within a community or organization. People with higher social status may hold more sway in decision-making processes, shaping policies and directions that impact a wider audience.
- Improved social interactions: Social status can affect an individual’s social interactions and integration into different groups. Those with a higher social status might find it easier to integrate into influential circles, while those with lower status may encounter barriers in building connections.
Becoming a person of high social status

If you want to raise your social status, it’s important for you to display the characteristics of someone who lives a life of high value, and offer this through your interactions. The material situation doesn’t really matter. What matters is how you can show other people that you have something to offer.
If other people feel like they’re benefiting by having you in their lives, then this is going to translate into social status. Are you a confident person? Show it. You can provide fulfilling conversations, do it. Perhaps you’re just a very chill person who gives good vibes, and that people love to be around. Use it.
Use your best qualities to your advantage, and make sure that they’re visible.
Provide value to your community
People with a high social status often include political figures, celebrities, CEOs, innovators, and successful entrepreneurs.
Because these people are at least perceived to provide a lot of value to society.
The people with high social status are usually abundant. Often you will see figures who have a wide breadth of influence, powerful voices, and endless admiration from countless people. You don’t need to be famous or hugely successful to be someone of high social status though.
You can have a high social status in your social circles, in your workplace, and within your local community. Just make sure you’re providing value to others, and that you’re benefiting them by being in their life in some form.
Embody characteristics that correspond with high social status
Build your image by exhibiting desirable qualities that people appreciate.
Here’s a hack; If the traits align with the higher self by evoking positive sensations in others, you will likely be seen as a person of value. On the other hand, exhibiting traits of the lower self will lower your social status.
If you instill negative feelings such as fear or nervousness, your social status will plummet. People don’t want to be around people that make them feel less than average. People want to be around others who make them feel good and bring them up.
You can be anyone and be perceived as anyone. If you have lived your life as an individual with low social status who is always looked down on by peers and superiors, you hold the key to changing this.
It starts with the characteristics you embody, and how you make others feel.
Establish yourself as an authority
It doesn’t matter what you do, if you become an expert in any given field or subject, people are going to look up to you. By establishing yourself as an authority, people are going to take you seriously. Your knowledge and expertise will spread, and this is resultantly going to boost your social status.
Demonstrating leadership qualities and showcasing your expertise not only boosts your social status but also positions you as a respected authority in your field. These actions can help you stand out and gain recognition among your peers and colleagues.
A big part of being an authority is speaking your mind and going against the grain a little. Conformity doesn’t earn respect, at least not in most cases. You need to stand out from the crowd.
Therefore, don’t be afraid to speak your truth. Say what you believe in. Do what resonates with you. Educate people on what you feel they need to know.
Have a purpose behind what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, and people are going to be drawn to you like ants to sugar.
Take on leadership roles
People are attracted to ideas.
If you have some big ideas about creating change in the world and you’re moving the needle to make it a reality, people are going to see this determination. Start by having that vision, and then be a leader of your own life to make it happen.
Seek out leadership roles within your professional organizations, community groups, or industry associations. Being proactive in such roles demonstrates your commitment to making an impact.
Another good thing to do is to start organizing things. Show some initiative and it’s going to help you get far. Try to set up workshops, seminars, or webinars on topics that you know a lot about. Taking the lead in sharing knowledge creates respect and positions you as a thought leader.
Make sure you also lead by example. Demonstrate qualities such as integrity, accountability, and effective communication in your leadership roles. Your actions will inspire others to follow your lead.
Improve your networking skills

Your ability to network is huge when it comes to building a name for yourself. You can’t get anywhere in life without other people, so when you utilize those connections, that’s when you’ll start going places.
Cultivating a strong and diverse network is a strategic approach to elevate your social status. A well-nurtured network not only offers opportunities for personal and professional growth but also enhances your influence within your chosen area.
If nobody can find you even if they look, how are you supposed to make a name for yourself? You need to start putting yourself out there and make connections. There are many ways to do this, from going to events and workshops, being invited into social circles, using social media, and hosting things yourself.
Focus on connecting with individuals who align with your professional goals and share similar interests. Quality connections hold greater potential than a large but superficial network.
Research potential contacts before reaching out. Seek connections from diverse backgrounds and industries. Exposure to different viewpoints enriches your understanding and widens your network’s scope.
After an event or initial interaction, send a follow-up message and stay connected with the person. This is where social media comes in handy too.
Maintain regular communication with your network through social media interactions, email updates, and sharing valuable content. Consistent engagement deepens relationships. Provide value to your connections by sharing insights, resources, or opportunities. Contributing positively to their endeavors strengthens your relationship.
Building a valuable network requires genuine effort and a willingness to invest energy into building meaningful connections. By focusing on quality connections, attending relevant events, and nurturing relationships through ongoing engagement, you establish yourself as a respected and influential presence within your network and industry.
Cultivate an online presence

In this day and age, your online presence plays a huge role in your social status because everything’s connected to the internet! Therefore, it would be a crime not to mention it in this article.
Making use of online platforms to get your name out there can significantly improve your visibility and influence.
Creating a strong online presence requires a thoughtful approach. By strategically using social media, pushing out content, and maintaining a strong image, you can establish yourself as a credible presence in your niche. This digital presence complements your offline efforts and contributes to your overall social status.
The best thing about it is that anyone can explode if they have an online presence. It provides an avenue for people to find you and see what you’re about. If you take the right approach, your message will spread far and wide, and a strong online presence by itself can bring you to fame.
Over half the world is connected to social media, so of course, if you want to raise your social status and build a name for yourself, start there.
Identify platforms that are relevant to your niche and target audience. For example, LinkedIn is best for professional development and industry networking. Facebook is good for creating groups and staying engaged in different things. Twitter (now X) is good for content creation, as is YouTube.
Actively engage with your followers by responding to comments, participating in discussions, and sharing relevant content from others. This interaction builds rapport and credibility. With that said, just leverage social media, and you’re going to make your life much easier when it comes to building a name for yourself.
If you want to get somewhere with an online presence, you need to make a lot of content.
This should be a priority as your content is what shows people what you’re actually about, and what value you provide. This is the soul of your image and shows people who you actually are.
The goal is to build up a strong portfolio of information that shares your personal opinions and provides great information for others to use. Besides, your content leads back to you. So when you put a lot of content out there, a lot of people are bound to discover your work and follow you for more.
So stay consistent in your efforts, and make sure you’re putting out lots of high-quality content.
The role of continuous self-improvement

Increasing your social status is not just about external recognition. It’s also about continuously learning, growing, and expanding your capabilities. As someone on the path of growth, it’s important to hold the mindset that you are always expanding, that way you’ll never stagnate and be forgotten.
By committing to a journey of self-improvement, you can stand out in various spheres of life, from personal interactions to professional achievements. Here’s how the pursuit of continuous self-improvement can contribute to improving your social status:
As with anything in life, you need to build the skills and abilities to accomplish it. If you want to be a thought leader in a niche, or you want to be an educator or influencer, you need to develop the knowledge, competence, and skills needed to make it happen.
For example, if you already have a great depth of knowledge in your chosen subject, you might need to learn how to communicate it effectively. This means you’ll need to practice public speaking, learn all the tricks and trades of connecting with the right people, and be charismatic.
Likewise, acquiring new skills and knowledge makes you a more valuable individual in both personal and professional settings. Learning new languages, mastering digital tools, or gaining expertise in emerging fields can set you apart from the crowd, and that is what has a monumental effect on your social status.
Without really paying attention to what you’re doing wrong, you’re not going to know what to do right. That’s why it’s important to seek feedback and look at your failures, and what you can do better.
Seeking advice from peers, mentors, and colleagues provides insights and understanding into how you’re perceived by others. You gain a lens to see your strengths and weaknesses, which allows you to make the appropriate adjustments.
Your ability to adapt allows you to navigate changing situations with ease. The world is changing quickly. Ten years ago, your online presence wouldn’t have mattered at all to your social status, now it’s a huge part.
You need to keep on top of changing trends to make sure you’re always climbing the right ladder. Having a growth mindset helps here, as you’ll always look for new and innovative ways to do just that.
If you can demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks and showcase your ability to handle adversity, others are more likely to respect you because you’re showing perseverance. It’s easier to look up to someone who climbed so high, than someone who started there.