Here are some of my favorite shamanic healing centers. I am not an affiliate of these communities and make no money from advertising them. I have spent a significant amount of time either working or volunteering in this communities, and highly recommend them for anyone looking for reputable shamanic centers for healing and spiritual growth. I am advertising these communities as a passion because I believe everyone should have access to reputable shamanic centers
Located near Cuenca, Ecuador, Gaia Sagrada is a large medicine community nestled in the remote Andes mountains.
Gaia Sagrada is a large community that caters to foreigners. This means instruction is in English, it has good amenities such as hot showers and comfortable beds, daily workshops
Medicines they work with:
Located in the Sacred Valley Peru, about 15 minutes from Pisac, this is a smaller community than Gaia Sagrada, however, it also has a more intimate feel to it. This community operates more like a hostel where people come and go as they please, and ceremonies are sporadically held throughout the month.
This is a Spanish-speaking community, so it’s best to have some knowledge of Spanish to come here otherwise logistics can be difficult.
Medicines they work with:
Located in the Chazuta Peru, about 1 hour from Tarapoto, medicine community in the jungle offers authentic master plant dietas as a low cost, as well as ayahuasca ceremonies and mushroom ceremonies. This is a rustic center to work with master plants for 1 week to several months. This center is a fraction of the cost of many master plant centers, however it is just as genuine.
Medicines they work with: