The Spiritual Laws of the Universe: Profound Insights and Esoteric Knowledge

Learn about the spiritual laws the govern our universe

Did you know that our universe didn’t come to be due to random coincidence, rather it’s a conscious creation of a higher power? We seem to have already discovered how our universe works. After all, we have a relatively good understanding of physics, science, and astronomy, but in truth, we’re looking in the wrong direction.

See, there’s a more profound set of rules governing this creation that can’t be observed with instruments. As a creation, there needs to be some sort of framework for the universe, otherwise, it simply wouldn’t work.

These frameworks are understood as the spiritual laws of the universe which act as the design principles. Think of them as the ingredients that make up the universal cake. A cake wouldn’t exist without the ingredients that compose it, so the universe works in a similar sense.

Aside from making you hungry, I’ll explain 10 of the spiritual laws of the universe from my understanding. By the end of this article, youโ€™ll understand how to work with these laws to create a more aligned life, knowing some of the best-kept secrets of our universe.

What are the spiritual laws of the universe?

laws of the universe

Our universe is comprised of spiritual laws that allow it to function as it does. These laws are the architecture (or rather design principles) of our universe which set the stage for the experiences that we’re currently undergoing. They’re what makes this place such a diverse, interesting, and dynamic spiritual playground for souls to vacation to.

Okay… vacation might be stretching it, but you know what I mean.

Otherwise, you can look at the universal laws as the coding of a program. This website needs to be coded to facilitate the experience of reading this content. You don’t see the coding, but this website wouldn’t function without it.

These laws apply to every level of our universe, from macro to micro, and they’re thoroughly intertwined. The law of attraction is one of the most recognized spiritual laws, but there are many others too. Even though it’s generally accepted that there are 12 laws of the universe, there really isn’t a defined number. There are some grey lines here, meaning it’s open to interpretation.

In most cases, the spiritual laws of the universe are a mashup of different philosophies, and incorporate universal themes in various religions and spiritual belief systems.

The spiritual laws are universal laws that most spiritual practitioners likely agree upon, regardless of culture or belief. For example, the Ayahuasca shamans I know believe in universal themes such as the soul, karma, and vibration, that transcend religious identity. Whether you’re a Tibetan monk, sage, or saint, you would probably nod upon certain themes and say ‘Yep, that’s true’.

At the end of the day, it’s all the same thing. Just different packages for the same present and these common themes that extend beyond a religious framework are often recognized as universal laws.

Here I’ll give my take on the universal laws, and why they’re so crucial to live by. They may be somewhat different interpretations to those preached within new-age spirituality, but these are what I live by, and they simply make a lot of sense to me.

The law of Unity

The law of unity states that all things are energetically connected because all things are extensions of the same source – the collective consciousness. In other words, we are god experiencing oneself in endless ways, and at the deepest level of consciousness, we are a unified whole.

Even though we are experiencing individuality, we’re all inexplicably connected energetically, as manifestations. Because everything is connected energetically, your experience is influenced by other experiences, and so forth. All the separate parts work synergistically to create a larger system, like each ant in a nest creating a hive mind.

You can look at the law of unity in a way where we are like cells creating a body. Although within the universe we are separate organisms, together we create the entire reality we’re experiencing.

The law of Causation

The law of causation states that all energy exerted into the universe reacts in some form. That’s because everything is a form of energy, and energy interacts with energy.

If something has an outwards movement (to occupy a space), by nature something else must have an inwards movement (to have its space occupied). If there is a pull, there must also be a push. Everything will have a response on some level, and all labor will fruit in some form.

Look at it this way. The energy you put into developing your skills results in the development of those skills. The effort you put into your work will create the result of that work, otherwise what you gain from the effort put in will be proportionate to what you get back.

The law of Relativity

The law of relativity states that all things are relative to one another. There is no objective truth to time or size as our understanding of these constructs is proportionate.

Think about the size of any given thing. You would say the Earth is big and an ant is small, but that’s because you’re comparing these things to ourselves. Compared to a galaxy, the Earth is like a grain of sand. Compared to an atom, an ant is enormous.

There is no roof or floor to size because space is infinite. No matter how much you zoom in or zoom out, that space will always be occupied by something. There is always an increment smaller, and there is always a bigger fish.

Time is also relative. What does a long time mean to you? Is it a year, a million years, a day? The span of your life might seem like a long time, but it’s just the blink of an eye compared to the lifespan of a planet. A fly might not live for a long time, but from its perspective, it could feel like a very long time. Without a point of reference, we are unable to label things.

The law of relativity teaches us that there is no greater or lesser importance. An ant is just as important as a human, and a day is just as precious as a lifetime.

The law of Nonresistance

The law of nonresistance states that there is a natural flow to all things in the universe. From the creation of galaxies to the natural rhythm of your thoughts and feelings. All things are in a state of fluid motion, and when that motion is impeded, friction is caused.

There is a natural rhythm of the universe and life within. When we flow with that rhythm rather than fighting against it, we find a sense of equanimity within life. That’s because every phenomenon has a passage that is organically followed.

That passage could be the violent explosion of a star. It could be the stream of a thought or the occurrence of a painful emotion. When left to run its course, there will be a natural conclusion, and the experience will change.

Living by the law of nonresistance is about avoiding forcing currents in your life and following where your intuition, thoughts, and feelings are leading you.ย 

The law of Impermanence

The law of impermanence states that all things within the universe will come to an end. Nothing within the universe is timeless, not even time itself.

The law of impermanence allows there to be an ever-moving nature to our reality, where all things are temporary. After all, that’s what life’s all about. Growth, decay, evolution, birth, and death. There is a constant flux of change, and nothing can prevent that change from occurring. It’s the one constant of this universe.

The law of impermanence can be liberating because it teaches us that life is a transitory phenomenon. There is not a single experience that will always be. There is no situation that you’ll always be in. Every experience that can ever be experienced will come to an end, one way or another, so don’t get too comfortable because sooner or later, things will shift.

The law of Reciprocity

The law of reciprocity states that the energy received must be counterbalanced by the energy given. It’s a fundamental rule that you reap what you sow, and that the universe always wants to maintain a state of osmosis.

The law of reciprocity acts as a balancing mechanism of the universe. Imagine it as an orchestrating force that matches experiences depending on the energetic imbalances of the organism. Most people understand this dynamic as karma.

On a human scale, we understand the law of reciprocity as the give-and-take dynamic. If you give more than you take, or take more than you give, you’re creating an energetic imbalance.ย Energetically, you will be compensated for your deeds, and everything comes back around in some form.

As our universe is an educational system, we experience lessons. When you commit wrongdoing, the universe will respond as the energy will be reciprocated in some form, to experience the consequences of that wrongdoing.

The law of Polarity

The law of polarity states that for contrast to exist, there must also exist opposite values within the universe.

With the existence of opposites, duality is created. And let’s face it, our universe is full of contrast which is what makes our experience here so colorful.

Contrast is what creates narrative. If there was no such thing as heat, neither would there be cold. If there was no such thing as up, neither would there be down. If there was no growth, there would be no decay. If there was no positive, there would be no negative.

You can’t just have one of these things because it wouldn’t make sense. That’s the principle of duality, that for a physical reality to exist, there must be a counterbalance.

Everything exists along a spectrum. With no polarity, this universe would simply not function. So, learn to accept the polarity, knowing you can’t escape the darkness, difficulties, or pain. You must recognize the role they plan, and this will set you on a much better path.

The law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that the universe operates on vibration, and attracts experiences that resonate with the vibration of any given thing.

This is the rule that like attracts like, and that the universe will always try to be congruent with the vibration of any given thing. There is a natural magnetism of the universe that attracts and repels situations that resonate on the same frequency. Therefore, vibrationally speaking, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

In this sense, if you’re experiencing high vibrational energies such as love and gratitude, the universe is going to mirror these energies. As a result, you may find more beautiful experiences coming into your life. Your perception and belief systems may change to accommodate this vibration. People and experiences that resonate with the vibration of love and gratitude will come into your reality.

But this also works the other way too. If you’re experiencing a low vibration, the universe wants to have a congruency with that low vibration. If you’re feeling energies of guilt or shame, you’re going to attract more experiences into your life that resonate at this frequency. These situations can come in many shapes and forms, but needless to say, they won’t be desirable.

The law of Gender

The law of gender states that two overarching energies compose all creation. These energies are the divine masculine and the divine feminine energies.

Of course, all life is divided into genders, but so are all things. Masculine energy is called yang, while feminine energy is called yin. Both of these energies have very different functions, yet they are complementary (or inseparable) to one another.

Yin energy is an inward energy while yang energy is an outward energy. Feminine energy in nature is organic, intuitive, reflective, and creative. Masculine energy on the other hand is the structured, constructive, driving component of the universe. Feminine energy creates life, while masculine energy sustains it.

Recognizing that both yin and yang are separate but complementary energies helps us find balance within them. We should not strive to be singular, but rather recognize the dynamic between the masculine and feminine in all creation, because that’s what makes the world go round.

The law of Correspondence

The law of correspondence acts as the design principles of our universe. All patterns repeat themselves throughout nature, and all nature is based on the same reoccurring patterns. Sacred geometry and the universal intelligence is based on the law of correspondence.

You see this phenomenon from the smallest subatomic levels to the biggest scopes of the universe. Common patterns we see throughout nature are spirals, orbs, branches, and so forth. The same patterns tend to repeat themselves in countless forms throughout nature, regardless of where they are, what they are, or what form they take.

A tree has a pretty distinct form. But you will find the same form in neurons, in cells, in your blood vessels, in rivers, in the cosmos. You will see spirals in galaxies, sea shells, to weather phenomena like hurricanes.

Our universe uses a template for all things, which is why you see the same forms repeating themselves, from micro to macro.

Why it's important to understand the spiritual laws of the universe

Imagine our universe as a spiritual School. If you know the rules of the school, you’re probably going to learn quicker, and with more ease. If you don’t, you may make a lot of mistakes and have a hard time because you just don’t get it. Therefore, understanding the spiritual laws of the universe helps you navigate it with greater ease.

In this article, we’ve covered 10 spiritual laws of the universe and looked a little at how they shape this realm. Knowing a universal law is one thing, but putting the lessons into practice is another.

Unless you learn how to navigate the universe through a spiritual lens and capitalize on the wisdom within these laws, they won’t make a difference in your life. However, if you learn to perceive these laws in every element of life, and apply them to yours, you will begin to see some dramatic changes in your perception, belief systems, and spiritual practice – leading to a more wholesome, fulfilling life.

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