The world will knock you down sometimes, and it’s going to hurt. You will lose hope and you will feel like giving up, but there’s an untapped power hidden within those desperate times that you can learn to harness. We often call this untapped power the inner dragon.
At your lowest moments you have nowhere to go, there is nobody to help. So where do you turn? You turn to yourself, to the deepest part of your soul that’s yearning for transformation, strength, and empowerment. Certain situations grant us a doorway to a powerful spiritual energy we understand as dragon energy.
So let’s look at how you can awaken your inner dragon and unleash its potential.
What is the inner dragon?

The inner dragon is a metaphor that refers to an untapped power, or potential that lies dormant inside every one of us. People often use this term colloquially, but there’s a deeper truth to it that we seldom realize because dragon energy is a real spiritual energy. It’s something we can tap into, granting us divine spiritual power.
Realizing this inner power is commonly known as awakening the inner dragon while channeling it is often called unleashing the inner dragon.
In the spiritual framework, dragons aren’t just fictional creatures, but they’re real, intelligent deities that represent power and protection. They may not be physical creatures that exist here in this realm, but rather they’re ancient souls, or spirits that have woven their way into the fabric of almost every civilization, culture, and mythology on Earth.
It’s no coincidence that all cultures around the globe have depictions and symbolism of dragons, since the dawn of humanity. That’s because people, regardless of race, background, or spiritual beliefs have tapped into these ancient energies to receive information, power, and strength.
It’s said that dragons are cosmic creators and highly respected beings in the spiritual dimensions – who play a role in awakening consciousness and activating spiritual knowledge. So how do people tap into this powerful energy?
Well, there are different ways.
Some of us learn to awaken the inner dragon through meditation, ritual, or ceremony. Sometimes people tap into these energies when they’re at their lowest, praying for a light to shine on, or seeking guidance to get through the hard yards. Then some people have an innate connection with this energy and can access it more naturally.
How to unleash the inner dragon

Often during times when we are gravely struggling, we can open a portal so to speak to a powerful energy called dragon energy. Dragon energy can replenish us with motivation, inspiration, endurance, and raw strength to work through the situation.
This energy is exemplified in the mother who lifts a car off her child due to sheer willpower. It’s exemplified in people who are completely broken and defeated, discovering a deeper drive that propels them to completely transform their lives, because failure is not an option.
During these moments, we seem to take on superhuman strength – as if we’re channeling an energy that transcends material reality, enabling us to do incredible things. We channel power from a spiritual well – a dragon – to help us through certain situations, for power, and spiritual activation.
It’s a powerful force of dedication and strength that can be harnessed when you’re at your lowest. The decision you make when you’re on your knees begging for some rope is one of the best decisions you will make – because it activates something powerful.
And I’m not just talking about thinking it and cerebrally making a decision, but rather it’s a feeling – an energy that you tap into. If you’re looking to change your life, you need to realize that those desperate times are your fuel. They are what drive serious transformation, as long as you harness those moments and use them to propel forward.
Part of the big downfalls in life is to teach you what you don’t want your life to be. These downfalls shift your alignment towards what you want to create. Learn what you don’t want your life to be, and realize that you must bring change into it. It’s this realization that leads to true empowerment.
Fueling the engine
Self-belief is a key to creating the life you want. If you don’t believe in yourself, it’s simply not going to happen. But don’t let this get you down because self-belief is something you cultivate.
You need to believe that you can achieve what you want to achieve. Logically, why can’t you? Many people in this world who came from nothing have created amazing lives for themselves (and other people). Many successful people have been in much worse situations than you.
So you tell me, what separates you from these people? Why can’t you acquire the skills, abilities, and characteristics that you need? Is success written in your DNA? Are you cursed from the get-go? Because maybe I’m just an optimist, but I can’t think of why you can’t become the person you need to, to create the life you want.
Think of some reasons why you can’t be the person you want to be. After giving it some good thought, analyze your answers. Think if other people in that situation have become successful. Now think about the qualities, characteristics, and skills you need to develop, to create the life you want.
Hack out the pathway
If you can’t even see your ideal life, you’re shooting in the dark. Of course, you’re not going to get there because you have no vision. This is why it’s extremely important to define what a good life means to you.
Is it living in a tropical paradise, connecting with community and friends while your money works for you? Is it being a powerful influence in the world that people look up to, or perhaps bringing some serious positive change to society in some form?
Visualization is a powerful tool that you should harness to illuminate the pathway forward. If you’re regularly dreaming about a better life, one way or another, you’re going to start seeing the details required to make it happen.
This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t be present with your life experience for where it currently is. But when you desire something enough, especially if it’s something that makes you feel like you’re moving towards a bigger picture, naturally you’re going to spend some time marinating in those thoughts.
You will feel the sensations of that reality. You will picture every little step it takes to get there. You will feel the emotions and imagine every obstacle that you need to overcome. This is a crucial component of manifestation, and it’s going to make a big difference.
If you had a billion dollars, what would you be doing with your life? What would your life look like? Where would you be, what would you invest it in? Imagine this scenario like it has happened, and feel into it. What sort of life makes you feel the most fulfilled?
Step on the gas
Once you have illuminated the path, you need to take action. I don’t mean trying for a week and giving up. I’m not talking about doing bits and pieces here and there until your life situation becomes tolerable. You need to gain momentum by pushing forward, as hard as you can.
When you’re at your lowest moments, keep your foot on the gas. Research, learn, build yourself, apply your knowledge, and do everything in your power to move the needle. This desperation will act as a generator. Once things look up a little, keep your foot on the gas.
When things start unfolding in your life, keep your foot on the gas. I mean it, don’t stop just because things are going well. You need to keep steamrolling through. If the universe gives you an inch, take a mile.
You need to be consistent, and every day chip away at your dreams. Every day move the needle. It will become a habit, and it will feel good because you’re moving towards something that lights you up.
Embrace transformation
As you throttle forward into your higher power, you will face more challenges.
Some of these challenges will easily be overcome, others will bring you back down. There will be times when you’ll battle with feelings of despair, hopelessness, and doubt, but you can’t let that stop you. You need to push forward regardless.
As you develop yourself and become the person you need to become, you will begin to change. You need to encourage this process of change as you continue evolving into better versions of yourself.
Part of embracing transformation is learning how to let go of the previous you. Sometimes your lower self is going to latch on to you, but as long as you continuously learn, grow, and transform, that part of you will never take hold.
Make sure you’re always pushing towards a better life, and remember to use those desperate times as fuel for the engine.