How To Manifest Your Highest Timeline

Are you following your highest timeline? Here's how you can make sure you are!

During one of my darkest hours when I was in my early twenties, I had a moment of reflection. I was drinking too much, smoking too much, and abusing all kinds of substances. I was becoming unmotivated and antisocial, and making bad decision after bad decision.

That’s when I saw the timeline I was creating for myself.

I could see myself spiraling down a dark path; one of addiction, despair, and loneliness. In this envisioned reality, I would bring shame to my family, my friends would abandon me, and I would spend my days wallowing in my own filth. After all, I was already halfway there, all I had to do was follow the same road and my world would become a very miserable place.

Luckily, I recognized this wasn’t a happy path to follow. A voice echoed in my head, telling me ‘This isn’t the timeline you want to go down’, and I knew something had to change. I had so much potential. There was so much beauty in the world to be tapped into. It was my responsibility not to throw my life away, and that’s when I decided to change the trajectory of my life by manifesting my highest timeline.

I have now been traveling the world for the past 8 years, living in many cultures and enjoying a life filled with endless new experiences, opportunities, and people. I am currently studying shamanic medicine in Peru while working on my projects, and couldn’t think of anything I would rather be doing.

But have I done it? Have I manifested my highest timeline? Well, not yet. It’s a journey, not a destination. However, I am on the right path, slowly paving the way toward my version of heaven on Earth, and everything is coming together in its divine timing.

So I ask you, what sort of path are you walking? Are you following your highest timeline and doing everything in your power to manifest it, or is there some work that needs to be done? Here I’m going to explain everything you need to know about following your highest timeline, so that you create heaven for yourself on Earth.

Humanity is splitting into different timelines

Follow your highest timeline

A timeline refers to a potential future path either an individual or collective can create for itself. The highest timeline refers to the best possible future that can be manifested – a heavenly future, while the lowest timeline refers to the worst possible future path someone or something can go down.

The truth is, there are many different paths your life can go down, ranging from blissful to horrific, to everything in between. You may see some of these timelines in your dreams. You may hold them close to your heart, but unless you take action to create that particular timeline, it will never come to fruition.

In today’s age more than ever, we’re seeing enormous change sweeping humanity. In the wake of this change is turbulence which has led to turmoil around the globe. We see this turbulence manifest as war, political tensions, and the polarization of beliefs, views, and ideologies.

We are divided, and through division society decays. But that doesn’t need to be the path; one of hatred, division, and tearing ourselves apart. At least not if we bring some major players back into the equation such as compassion, gratitude, and love.

The thing is… there are many potential timelines humanity can go down. Some of these possibilities lead to beautiful utopias brimming in abundance, connection, and community. Other possibilities involve our self-destruction in the form of world war, endless greed and gluttony, and totalitarianism.

Some people have already created that reality for themselves. Others are spiralling into a world of hatred in a lack of understanding for their fellow humans. On the other hand, people are actualizing and awakening. They’re striving for their potential to bring light into humanity. They’re focusing on what truly matters, and what they need to evolve.

Here’s the thing about our planet. Earth can quite literally be a heaven or a hell Currently, humanity is somewhere in the middle. Sure, there’s a lot of beauty to this bizarre experience of consciousness, but there’s a lot of suffering too.

Now is the time that humanity is splitting off in different directions. One side will move down a road of hatred and self-destruction, while the other will move down one of love and compassion. It doesn’t matter your politician leaning or what you believe. What matters is how you feel inside, and if you’re ready to transcend all the dense bullshit that humanity has continuously been trapped in.

As we’re all part of a collective consciousness, our world is a manifestation of it. If we feel hostile, angry, resentful, etc. then we will influence the collective in that way. If we feel high-vibrational energies such as love, gratitude, and compassion, then we positively influence the collective.

Even though we are all aspects of the collective, we also create our personal realities based on vibration. Existing in a low vibrational state of consciousness creates a dense personal reality. When you nurture this low vibration through energies of hate, guilt, and shame, then you suffer more, and your reality attracts more things that resonate at the same frequency. If you keep following this path, eventually your life will be hell and you won’t know what hit you.

However, if you nurture high vibrational energies in the form of love, gratitude, compassion, joy, and everything that is associated with light energy, then your timeline will begin shifting. You will begin moving towards your highest timeline as you’ll begin attracting feelings, people, and situations that resonate on the same frequency.

Higher timelines vs lower timelines

A lower timeline represents a path you can follow in life that is not in your best interest. The lower self (or ego) is the guide here, meaning when you make decisions based on your ego rather than your heart, you take a step towards a lower timeline (and denser reality). Living by the lower self naturally begins manifesting a lower timeline. As your reality is dependent on your consciousness (and not the other way around), a sad reality is a natural byproduct of living by the lower self.

Your lowest timeline may represent:

  • A life characterized by fear, greed, hatred, and other low vibrational energies
  • A life of darkness and meaninglessness
  • Needless suffering and pain
  • Your self-destruction and decay
  • Failing at everything you do
  • Living a life you despise

Your highest timeline refers to the best possible path you can take in life for your evolution and actualization. Higher timelines are guided by the higher self (or soul) to bring you toward a divine connection with source. Living by the higher self will naturally steer your reality towards a higher timeline, as your reality is dependent on your consciousness.

Following your highest timeline involves:

  • Becoming the best version of yourself
  • Becoming the most healed version of yourself
  • Becoming the happiest version of yourself
  • Becoming the most successful version of yourself
  • Developing a deep connection with soul and spirituality

    As your vibration crafts your life experience, a high vibration will craft a beautiful life experience. An experience where you achieve your dreams, create wonder and awe, and live life with its fullest colors. Following your highest timeline is to follow the road of spiritual evolution and the expansion of consciousness and oneself (which organically leads to a high vibration)

    How to manifest your highest timeline

    Highest timeline

    To manifest your highest timeline, there are some things you need to do.

    First off, you must strive towards personal and spiritual growth, because it’s this path that brings you closer to god. It doesn’t matter what you believe or what religion you follow if any at all. All paths lead inwards to cultivate a deeper connection with the soul. By continuing to explore your consciousness and your reality, you will continue maturing spiritually and expanding your consciousness (thus your reality).

    Sounds good and all, but usually, there’s a lot of junk holding us back. We can’t just dive right in and expand because we need to deal with some barriers first. These barriers come in the form of trauma, conditioning, beliefs, and patterns that we have adopted throughout our lives.

    To become your highest self, and therefore manifest your highest timeline, you must let go of the layers of conditioning that have defined you. These are the layers of stubborn programs, patterns, belief systems, and characteristics you developed at some point in your life which may have served you then, but have no place in your highest timeline. These layers now amount to a burden.

    Think of it this way, you can’t expand while you have all of this excess baggage weighing you down. Therefore, to follow your highest timeline you need to shed all the layers of crap that no longer serve you. This can be a process, but actively seeking to strip off all the layers down to the truest part of who you are is necessary, because you can’t take those dense layers of conditioning with you.

    Another major obstacle to manifesting your highest timeline is your trauma. Some of us have more than others, and that’s okay. Your wounds contort your consciousness, causing you to suffer. So if you are deeply wounded and haven’t done adequate healing, how are you supposed to create a beautiful, suffering-free life for yourself?

    This is why you need to make healing a priority. If you are deeply wounded, these wounds are going to manifest in your decisions, behaviors, attitudes, and life experiences. You’re life is probably already less than ideal because of them. So carry on with the process of healing to make sure there’s no stone unturned. Healing can be a life-long process, so approach it with care and patience.ย 

    The last point I want to mention is that you need to be able to see the timeline. You should have a mental picture of it hung up daily. To create this timeline for yourself, you should think about it, dream about it, and most importantly, take steps towards it every day.

    Some people believe their highest timeline will simply just appear. No work, no effort, just a good attitude. Sorry, it doesn’t just work this way. You need to walk the path to actualize it. It’s a timeline for a reason, not a timepoint.

    If you can’t see a bright future for yourself, how are you supposed to actualize it? How are you going to move your reality towards it every day, step by step? Although the universe will conspire to help us when we’re on the right path, we must take action and manifest the future we dream of.

    The highest timeline is available to anyone who seeks it. Remember, to create it, you need to embody your highest self, as your highest self is the vessel you will use to walk this path. Continue doing whatever is within your power to manifest this reality for yourself, and one day you will look back, wondering how your life became so amazing.

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