How to Unleash the Inner Dragon During Desperate Times

Believing that you are perfectly fine the way you are is one of the worst things you can do. It might have worked when you were younger, but now you’re an adult, and your life is in your hands.

The world is going to knock you down sometimes, and it’s going to hurt. You will lose hope, and you will feel like giving up. But there’s a power that’s hidden within those feelings of desperation that you can learn to harness.

Let’s put it this way. Thinking you’re fine just the way you are is a cop-out. This mentality leads to stagnation as you’re probably not going to craft the life you truly desire (and deserve) if you sit at a tolerable minimum.

The truth is, you can do better. You can be smarter. You can become wiser. You’re just not hungry enough for the deepest levels of transformation, which is why you continue ending up back at square one – with nothing to show.

At your lowest moments you have nowhere to go, there is nobody to help. So where do you turn? You turn to yourself, to the deepest part of your soul that’s yearning for change, that knows it can do better. I would really encourage you to listen to that feeling because it’s not wrong.

When you’re desperate to change your life situation, you’re going to activate something inside yourself that’s a force to be reckoned with. Here I’m going to tell you exactly why you’re not fine the way you are, and what you can do to make yourself better.

Tapping into your inner power: Transforming your life during your lowest moments

Person on his knees praying to god

It can be hard to stay motivated during your lowest moments. Part of you just wants to give up because you’ve put so much in, and have gotten so little in return. Don’t listen to this voice. There’s an energy that you can discover deep inside your suffering. Tapping into this energy is a key to unlocking the deepest levels of inner transformation.

Your life evolves through pressure. If your life is always just okay, it’s easy to get complacent in a situation that is far from ideal. But if your life situation is so painful that you can’t tolerate it, the pain will force you to find deep motivation that propels you further than you’ve ever been. It’s that decision when you’re on your knees begging – that will change your life.

There’s a reason why the happiest people are usually people who have had it really tough. Life has broken them over and over, to the point they were forced to adapt if they wanted to make it. Through their terrible situations, the people who endured them learned. They became wiser. They had an incentive to transform that was so powerful, that they couldn’t ignore it.

If you’re looking to change your life, you need to realize that those desperate moments are your fuel. They are what drive serious transformation, as long as you harness those moments and use them to propel forward.

Overcoming desperation by cultivating trust

When you sit with those dense feelings of desperation instead of trying to escape them, that’s when you hear the little voice that has been suppressed. And that little voice is telling you to trust the process.

As long as you’re working towards something that you feel has a deeper meaning in your life (being intrinsically rewarding rather than extrinsic), you will find a way. You might need to readjust a few things, learn more, and work harder, but you know that it will eventually work out. How can it not when it has become the center of your reality?

Your life is a sandbox, and you have the power as a creator to manifest whatever life you want for yourself. When you want something bad enough and you put all of your energy towards it, that’s when the universe itself conspires to bring it to you.

It’s important to have faith. On a soul level, we lay out the challenges that we are going to encounter. Even people who go through the absolute worst situations choose that contract for their own spiritual growth. These challenges won’t be easy, but I can guarantee you that they are necessary, so use them.

Next, we’re going to look at some practical steps to harness this feeling of desperation to manifest the life you really desire. Otherwise, here are some other resources to help you when you’re feeling low.

Self-Assessment – The Mirror to Your Soul

Mirror to the soul. self assessment artwork

Now here’s the fun part: The self-assessment! It’s important to look at your life from an unbiased perspective to see where you currently stand, and where you want to go. Part of the learning process is looking into yourself to see what you could be doing better, and how to do it.

Where are you right now?

What is it about your life that you’re so desperate to get away from? Start by looking into what it is that you can’t stand. Is it your financial troubles? The city or place you live in? Your unfulfilling job? The constant struggle of not finding a partner? What exactly is pushing you to that point of desperation?

Start by thinking about the emotions you’re feeling. Really dig into them and sit with those uncomfortable feelings. Is it shame or guilt? Is it frustration?

What thoughts are you experiencing? Are you spiraling into negativity where you can’t see the joy in anything anymore? Do you think it’s all hopeless, and lose faith because of that outlook?

Write down everything that you really don’t like about your current situation in life. Create a list of the things that need improvement, and some things you could do to move the needle.

What is your ideal life situation?

You need a compass towards the life you want to live, otherwise, you’re going to get lost. This is why it’s important to think about where you want to go, and what your ideal life situation would be. Many people despise the life they’re living, but they can’t even think of an alternative, at least not something that’s plausible in the future. Don’t put yourself in this boat.

Think about the nature of the work you want to have. What would you be doing? Think about the country or place you want to live. Is it tropical? In the mountains? By the beach? What sort of community do you want, and who do you want to be with?

Write down your ideal life situation, and list all the things that would make you feel fulfilled. Put yourself in your future shoes and really feel what it would be like.

How can you bridge the gap?

Think about the steps you can take to start moving toward your ideal life situation. This is the blueprint you’re constructing, we’ll look at the actions to take later. Start building a map, piece by piece, towards the life you actually want to have.

It’s important to be practical about it and to think realistically. You want to create steps that push you, but are also achievable. Start by creating big milestones, and then think about the smaller steps to hit those milestones.

Really think about the steps you can take in the right direction to bridge the gap from your current situation, to a situation you want to be in. It might be a big map that requires a lot of learning, effort, and time, but you have the ability to achieve it.

Unleashing your inner dragon

rsz 11unleash your inner dragon

There is an inner power that can only be accessed during your darkest hours. This power is what gets you back on your feet with a new outlook on your life situation, and a newfound inspiration.

When you feel defeated, channel that energy to focus on the life you want to create. Use the moment when you feel defeated to align yourself with who you really are.

Part of the big downfalls in life is to teach you what you don’t want your life to be. These downfalls shift your alignment towards what you want to create. Learn what you DON’T want your life to be, and realize that YOU must bring change into it. Nobody is going to do it for you. It’s this realization that leads to true empowerment.

You have a dragon inside you, and unless you unleash that dragon to create the life that you truly desire, nothing is going to change. So here are some steps to tap into this powerful energy and unleash the dragon within.

Fueling the engine

Self-belief is a key to creating the life you want. If you don’t believe in yourself, it’s simply not going to happen. But don’t let this get you down because self-belief is something you cultivate.

You need to believe that you can achieve what you want to achieve. Logically, why can’t you? Many people in this world who came from nothing have created amazing lives for themselves (and other people). Many successful people have been in much worse situations than you.

So you tell me, what separates you from these people? Why can’t you acquire the skills, abilities, and characteristics that you need? Is success written in your DNA? Are you cursed from the get-go? Because maybe I’m just an optimist, but I can’t think of why you can’t become the person you need to, to create the life you want.

Light bulb idea artwork

Think of some reasons why you can’t be the person you want to be. After giving it some good thought, analyze your answers. Think if other people in that situation have become successful. Now think about the qualities, characteristics, and skills you need to develop, to create the life you want.

Hack out the pathway

If you can’t even see your ideal life, you’re shooting in the dark. Of course, you’re not going to get there because you have no vision. This is why it’s extremely important to define what a good life means to you.

Is it living in a tropical paradise, connecting with community and friends while your money works for you? Is it being a powerful influence in the world that people look up to, or perhaps bringing some serious positive change to society in some form?

Visualization is a powerful tool that you should harness to illuminate the pathway forward. If you’re regularly dreaming about a better life, one way or another, you’re going to start seeing the details required to make it happen.

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t be present with your life experience for where it currently is. But when you desire something enough, especially if it’s something that makes you feel like you’re moving towards a bigger picture, naturally you’re going to spend some time marinating in those thoughts.

You will feel the sensations of that reality. You will picture every little step it takes to get there. You will feel the emotions and imagine every obstacle that you need to overcome. This is a crucial component of manifestation, and it’s going to make a big difference.

Light bulb idea artwork

If you had a billion dollars, what would you be doing with your life? What would your life look like? Where would you be, what would you invest it in? Imagine this scenario like it has actually happened, and really feel into it. What sort of life makes you feel the most fulfilled?

Step on the gas

Once you have illuminated the path, you need to take action. I don’t mean trying for a week and giving up. I’m not talking about doing bits and pieces here and there until your life situation becomes tolerable. You need to gain momentum by pushing forward, as hard as you can.

When you’re at your lowest moments, keep your foot on the gas. Research, learn, build yourself, apply your knowledge, and do everything in your power to move the needle. This desperation will act as a generator. Once things look up a little, keep your foot on the gas.

When things really start unfolding in your life, keep your foot on the gas. I mean it, don’t stop just because things are actually going well. You need to keep steamrolling through. If the universe gives you an inch, take a mile.

You need to be consistent, and every day chip away at your dreams. Every day move the needle. It will become a habit, and it will feel good because you’re moving towards something that actually lights you up.

Light bulb idea artwork

Create a plan of action, and strategically start ticking off the boxes. Create backup plans, and have different ideas in mind. Explore all your possibilities, and create a giant mental mindmap leading towards the life you want to create for yourself.

Embrace transformation

As you throttle forward into your higher power, you will face more challenges. Some will easily be overcome, others will bring you back down. You will have times when you’ll battle with feelings of despair, hopelessness, and doubt, but you can’t let that stop you. You need to push forward regardless.

As you develop yourself and become the person you need to become, you will begin to change. You need to encourage this process of change as you continue evolving into better versions of yourself.

Part of embracing transformation is learning how to let go of the previous you. Sometimes your lower self is going to latch on to you. But as long as you continuously learn, grow, and transform, that part of you will never take hold. He might come back in short bursts, but he will continue to slip off.

So make sure you’re always pushing towards a better life, and remember to use those desperate moments as fuel for the engine. As long as you see it this way, you will become a powerful force, and unleash the dragon within you.

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What does your higher self look like to you? What characteristics do they have, what are their best qualities and traits? Imagine if you were looking at this person in the mirror, what in particular do you need to develop to become this version of you?

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