Dense energies can get trapped in the body – Contaminating every part of your life experience. Holding everything in until it deteriorates into bitterness is the worst way to live. So what can you do about it?
Learning how to release dense energies from your body can help you feel much better, and clear the emotional slate.ย You need to regularly flush out everything that’s not serving you if you’re looking to maintain optimal well-being.
Therefore, whenever you feel some heavy emotions chipping away at you, try out this emotional release technique to restore yourself to an emotionally healthier state.
What is an emotional release?
The emotional release technique is a method of discharging emotions – Usually in the form of crying, venting, or yelling. Look at it as a way of releasing pent-up emotions by leveraging catharsis.
In other words, an emotional release is a purge. You’re getting rid of the emotional baggage that you’re consciously or unconsciously holding onto. To understand what I’m saying here, I suggest having a read of the article below:
Whenever I’m feeling something painful, I’ve learned to go into the emotions, express them, and let them go. What once seemed counterintuitive has become a hugely helpful process that now works like a charm.
This is life – Shit happens. But I’ve found a key to living a happy life is maintaining your emotional health.ย
Usually, I feel great. Sooner or later something will happen and I’ll feel some dense emotions such as shame. Instead of fighting those emotions, I sink into them and discard them. Generally after this process, I’m almost immediately back to my happy self – Filled with gratitude, joy, and all those little emotions that make life worth living.
What I’ve learned is that we’re supposed to feel great. Feeling good is our pure state, feeling miserable is a diluted state. When you’re not feeling good, it means you’re harboring dense energies, and you need to discard that baggage.
I suggest using the emotional release technique whenever you’re feeling dense energies in the form of shame, guilt, regret, resentment, jealousy, or anything else that doesn’t serve your growth.
Benefits of an emotional release
Releasing pent emotions is necessary to maintain a healthy emotional well-being.
While releasing emotions via catharsis does provide immediate relief, you should look at it as a form of maintenance – That is to release emotions whenever you feel like crap, rather than piling them up until they form dysfunction.
This technique should be regularly practiced, and it may take many sessions before completely healing some deep-rooted trauma.
After performing an emotional release technique, you can expect to feel:
- Lighter in your body, like a blanket has been lifted off you
- Relaxed due to a release of tension and stress in your body
- Clear in your mind. You can think straight again without being clouded by stress or worry
- Reconnected with high-vibrational emotions such as gratitude, hope, and excitement
- Possible euphoria and joy – Feeling like life is good all of a sudden
Healing by releasing
When something affects you deeply, it leaves an emotional wound. The wound can only be healed by processing it naturally. Therapists and counselors guide this process, but in most cases, they’re not necessary to heal.
You can do it yourself.
This is how I view healing – If dense energies are trapped in your body, you won’t be able to heal.
Imagine trying to heal a wound while you have dirt in it. The wound needs to be cleaned before it can heal. Emotional wounds are alike.
Instead of cleansing themselves of painful emotions to naturally heal, many people attempt to escape those emotions. Here’s an article about escapism, and why it’s so detrimental to your emotional health.
Avoiding painful emotions only pushes them deeper into the subconscious to rot – Where they become increasingly difficult to flush out. Just because that pain isn’t in the spotlight anymore, doesn’t mean it’s not causing damage.
This is where the emotional release technique comes in – To stir up stagnant emotions and bring them back into the spotlight where you can properly deal with them.
To learn more about helping other people release emotions, visit the link below:
Step 1: Resurrecting the traumatic experience
Suppressed emotions will resurface at times if the underlying wound has not been healed. These emotions may be triggered by certain situations, surface in the form of intrusive thoughts, or seemingly come up out of nowhere – Because those energies are still trapped within your emotional body.
When any painful emotion arises, the first step is to bring your awareness to it. Allow that painful emotion to surface, and sit with it.
In some cases, the repressed trauma is begging to be acknowledged – Which means you don’t need to flesh it out, it will come to you. However, if you generally feel miserable but can’t identify any distinct feeling, you may need to poke the hidden wounds a little.
You can manually dredge up stagnant energy by thinking back to painful events in your life. You might know exactly what’s left unresolved, and you might have no clear answer.
Regardless, here’s what to do:
- Think back to certain events that hurt you in the past, and see whether you get an emotional response from them.
- Visualize yourself going back into those painful memories, and replay them in as vivid detail as possible – With a focus on the emotions you were feeling.ย
If there is no emotional response associated with those memories, they have likely already been processed. On the other hand, if you start feeling uncomfortable when you think about these memories, this is a good indicator that the wound has not been cleaned.
You can tell how severe the trauma is by how painful thinking back to the memory is.
Thinking back to an embarrassing moment might make you cringe, and there could be some dense energy you’re holding onto because of that incident – Which may manifest as shame or guilt. Being cheated on by your spouse might trigger more severe emotions of betrayal and worthlessness, which have much more severe manifestations.
The magnitude of pain determines how much damage it is doing to you, and how important it is to heal. If you have a severe unresolved emotional wound, it may be necessary to seek support from a professional.
To further understand the phenomenon of triggers and how they can be used to discover hidden traumas, read the article below:
Confronting your trauma
When you start experiencing emotional pain, dig into it.
Think about the concomitant memories, thoughts, or associations that surface too.
Any heaviness you feel under the surface, consciously exacerbate this feeling by digging deep into the emotionally active memories and thoughts. This may be something recent, or something from a long time ago.
Paint as accurately a picture of the traumatic event as you can, and the pain and distress will start coming back. When those heavy feelings begin simmering to the surface, avoid the temptation to distract yourself.ย
Emotional pain can not physically harm you. It can simulate experiences and cause undesirable emotional responses, but you are safe. You have nothing to lose, despite what that pain convinces you to think.
When you have fully embodied those painful energies – Which may cause tremoring, shaking, or other physiological responses, move on to the next step.
Step 2: Reliving the trauma
After you have resurrected the painful emotions, allow them to manifest in your body. Don’t force them in or out, but surrender to the discomfort. Through nonresistance, the pain will reach a climax.
How does it feel? What specific sensations arise when you’re feeling these painful emotions?
Where is it? Is it a heaviness in your chest, butterflies in your stomach, or is it manifesting as a blockage in your throat – Resulting in the inability to express yourself?
You don’t need to analyze it, but make the feelings as prominent as possible by locating the physical manifestations and sitting with them.
Extracting lessons from trauma
Within all trauma lies hidden lessons. I believe trauma is particularly hard to let go of when there is still a lesson to learn from the experience that caused it. Once you learn that lesson, the trauma has no leverage which creates an easier passage for departure.
Now you need to learn from the painful feelings. This can take some patience, and any barrier you erect will prevent you from heeding the lessons.
Don’t force the process (as forcing is an act of resistance), but be open to the wisdom of that pain. Be present with it and see what thoughts and feelings arise.
You might experience sudden insights or epiphanies when you’re in a state of nonresistance with the pain. You might have sudden ‘ah ha’ moments.
This is a good sign as the purpose of the emotional release technique is to extract everything you can out of the trauma and allow it to shrivel.
Throughout my life journey, I’ve discovered that pain tends to linger around when there are still important lessons to be learned. Naturally, you will hold onto that pain, perhaps because that pain still has some service to you.
Step 3: Purging the trauma
Now that you’ve resurrected the painful feelings and extracted all the wisdom that you can from them, it’s time to let those painful feelings go. This is most effectively done by purging – A form of emotional release we touched on earlier in the article.
The purge acts as an important part of the healing process. It’s like tweezing the splinter from the wound.
If you seep deep enough into your painful feelings as expressed in part: 2 of the emotional release technique, naturally you will start having physiological reactions.
This is the result of the unconscious trauma being pulled into your body – Where it can now be discarded.
The purge usually happens naturally. Some examples of purging include:
- Crying
- Sweating
- Facial flushing
- Trembling
- Shaking
- Moaning
- Yawning
- Yelling
- Ranting
- Even vomiting in extreme cases
The purge is to get it all out.ย People have different processes of purging, and there is no right or wrong way to do it.
What you want to do is move that stagnant energy and get it outside your body. You’re essentially flushing these stagnant energies from your body – and creating space for genuine healing.
Therefore express everything you feel when you are processing your pain. You don’t need to unnecessarily act it out or cause a forcing current, but if you feel like purging in some form – Do it.
Discarding severe emotional trauma may take many sessions of this technique. If you have a mountain of dirt, each time you purge is like taking a shovel to the mound.
Each consecutive time you do this technique, you may find the emotional response to be less severe – Until you don’t have one at all.ย
Healing the emotional body
Immediately after purging, you will feel a sense of relief.
When the pain starts to ease and your thoughts begin to wander again, be grateful. Replace that emptiness with high-vibrational emotions that you do want to carry with you. Read the article below to know what you want to fill your cup with.
Reinforce to yourself that it’s okay to let go of the pain. Once it has nothing left to offer, gracefully let it go and thank it for its service.
If there are still lessons to learn, these painful emotions will resurface again – Albeit to a lesser extent. If they do resurface, repeat the process.
When you have completely neutralized the trauma, you will be able to think about the traumatic event, but there will be no emotional response.
If there is still an emotional response, then it’s telling you that there is more work to be done, and use that as an opportunity to do this emotional release technique again.
This technique should be practiced regularly, as the common person has a lot of trauma to heal. Unless you feel wonderful, there is more to process. With that said, we also experience more traumatic events in life as sometimes – Unexpected circumstances happen.
But now that you’re equipped with a remedy, whenever something does happen, go through this technique and hit it before it hits you.