I'm Daniel, I run this website

Welcome to my website, the spiritual growth gateway. I’ve worked hard to centralize all my best teachings and philosophies to help you heal, grow, and transform.

Here’s a little about me…

Embracing the next chapter in life when moving to Guatemala for a fresh start

My Story

Nomadic traveler, spiritual coach, & studying medicine man

I'm more than just a traveler, I'm an explorer, both of the external world and more importantly, the internal landscape. After experiencing a kundalini awakening in 2014, I decided to pack everything I own into a backpack and set off on a nomadic journey of self-discovery.

During this time I have lived in Brazil, Vietnam, the US, Mexico, Guatemala, and Ecuador, and Peru while working closely with various traditions, teachers, and healing modalities.

My interest in healing via plant medicines has led me to work closely with shamanic traditions, most notably with the sacred medicine of Ayahuasca. My journey of inner and outer discovery has led me into some interesting realms of consciousness, from breathwork and meditation to astral projection and Reiki healing.

While still very much a student of life, I'm here to share the insights, tools, and techniques I've learned along this incredible journey of self-discovery.

I discovered the keys to my happiness through actualization and personal transformation. Now I feel it's only right to pass on everything I have learned and help other people who are embarking on a similar journey.

Holding space for someone

Spiritual Coach

With years of experience helping people through their transformation processes, I coach people who feel stuck in their healing journey or are struggling to gain clarity moving forward.

Whether you're seeking help to overcome particular blocks, looking for advice, or you just need someone to talk to who will understand you, I'm at service.

Work with me

Want to collaborate? Here are some ways we can work together.

Publish an article:

If you have a story you would like to share, you can submit an article for this website here.

Do a podcast episode with me:

Do you practice a spiritual craft, or have an interesting life story? I would love to chat with you on my podcast, A Wise Man Once Said.

Hire Me:

I am also a freelance writer and designer. If you need an assistant for either content creation, digital design, or digital marketing, let’s chat! You can find my portfolio here.

My work has been featured on Psychedelics Today, Tiny Buddha, Backpack Buddha, Live Purposefully Now, and Gaia Sagrada.